You will know, from your student handbook, that most coursework must be submitted in both hard copy (on paper) and electronically via Turnitin on Blackboard so it can be checked for plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct. Make sure you are aware of what good academic practice entails.
Further information on Plagiarism.
Turnitin is the system the University uses to check the similarity of your work to a database of content from the web, academic reference materials and other students’ work. Use of the service allows the University to ensure that all students’ work is original and graded accordingly.
Familiarise yourself with the Turnitin process by visiting the Turnitin Guidance pages. It may also be helpful to read the full University Regulations which outline the rules, principles and procedures you must follow as a student of the University of South Wales.
If you need additional help, please visit the Study Skills Service. The Study Skills service offer advice, information and resources to help all USW students raise their aspirations, improve their academic performance and develop transferable skills for employment.
Understanding your results.